Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Computer Engineering , Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University,Tehran, Iran


Background: The link prediction issue is one of the most widely used problems in complex network analysis. Link prediction requires knowing the background of previous link connections and combining them with available information. The link prediction local approaches with node structure objectives are fast in case of speed but are not accurate enough. On the other hand, the global link prediction methods identify all path structures in a network and can determine the similarity degree between graph-extracted entities with high accuracy but are time-consuming instead. Most existing algorithms are only using one type of feature (global or local) to represent data, which not well described due to the large scale and heterogeneity of complex networks.
Methods: In this paper, a new method presented for Link Prediction using node embedding due to the high dimensions of real-world networks. The proposed method extracts a smaller model of the input network by getting help from the deep neural network and combining global and local nodes in a way to preserve the network's information and features to the desired extent. First, the feature vector is being extracted by an encoder-decoder for each node, which is a suitable tool for modeling complex nonlinear phenomena. Secondly, both global and local information concurrently used to improve the loss function. More obvious, the clustering similarity threshold considered as the local criterion and the transitive node similarity measure used to exploit the global features. To the end, the accuracy of the link prediction algorithm increased by designing the optimization operation accurately.
Results: The proposed method applied to 4 datasets named Cora, Wikipedia, Blog catalog, Drug-drug-interaction, and the results are compared with laplacian, Node2vec, and GAE methods. Experimental results show an average accuracy achievement of 0.620, 0.723, 0.875, and 0.845 on the mentioned datasets, and confirm that the link prediction can effectively improve the prediction performance using network embedding based on global similarity.


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Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


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