Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Higher Education Complex of Saravan, Saravan, Iran.


Background and Objectives: The Ant-Miner algorithm works based on Ant Colony Optimization as a tool for data analysis , and is used to explore classified laws from a set of data. In the current study, two new methods have been proposed for the purpose of optimizing this algorithm. The first method adopted logical negation operation on the records of the produced laws, while the second employed a new Pheromone Update strategy called “Generalized exacerbation of quality conflict”. The two proposed methods were executed in Visual studio C#.Net , and 8 public datasets were applied in the test. Each one of these datasets was executed 10 times both in an independent way and combined with others, and the average results were recorded.
Methods: In this study, we have proposed two approaches for the earlier method. Using the first method in the construction of rule records, idioms that include the rules can be made in the form of . Compared to the idioms of the early algorithm, these idioms are more compatible while constructing rules with high coverage. The advantage of this generalization is the reduction of the produced rules, which results in greater understandability of the output. During the process of pheromone update in the ordinary ACO algorithms, the amount of the sprayed pheromone is a function of the quality of rules. The objective of the second method is to strengthen the conflict between not-found, weak, good, and superior solutions. This method is a new strategy of pheromone update where ants with high-quality solutions are motivated through increasing the amount of pheromone sprayed on the trail that they have found; conversely, the ants that find weaker solutions are punished through eliminating pheromone from their trails.
Results: The optimization of the initial algorithm using the two proposed methods produces a smaller number of rules, but increases the number of construction diagrams and prevents the production of low-quality rules.
Conclusion: The results of tests performed on the dataset indicated the enhancement of algorithm efficiency in idioms of fewer tests, increased prediction accuracy of laws, and improved comprehensibility of the produced laws using the proposed methods.


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Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


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