Document Type : Innovative Paper


Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia.


Background and Objectives: In general, traditional salt farmers determine the time to harvest salt by visiting and monitoring their salt ponds. Therefore, to assist salt farmers in determining the right time to harvest salt and determine the quality of the harvested salt, a wireless-based electronic device is needed that can monitor the salt content and viscosity of the brine.
Methods: An electronic device that is made to measure salt content (salinity) with a conductivity sensor and to measure fluid viscosity using a data processing method from sensor readings which is first converted to digital data with a program on the microcontroller. To find out whether the brine is ready to be harvested or not, the data obtained in the form of conductivity and stress are converted into percentages of NaCl and degrees of Baume. Then the data is sent to the ESP8266 wifi module to be stored in a database and displayed on the Web.
Results: The results of the data obtained are based on testing in salt ponds for young water but it has been quite a long time the results have approached old water of around 64% and 14o Be. The results of the old water test that had just been moved to the last reservoir were close to harvest time of around 94% and 21o Be. If it has reached 25o Be then it is enough to be moved to the crystallization site. To determine the harvest period based on two parameters, namely the salt content and the viscosity of the liquid is 86-90% and the viscosity of the liquid is 20-24o Be. If you have reached both of these parameters, the salt can be harvested in about 7-10 days to make the water crystallize.
Conclusion: Equipment Indicators for determining salt harvest time based on salinity and liquid viscosity using a microcontroller that has been made have been successfully used to determine salt harvest time properly. The salt quality of this indicator tool is the salt content including the K-3 quality or the lowest quality of the 3 existing qualities.


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Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


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