Document Type : Review paper


Department of Electrical Engineering, Sadjad University of Technology, Mashhad, Iran.


Background and Objectives: To design an efficient tracker in a crowded environment based on artificial intelligence and image processing, there are several challenges such as the occlusion, fast motion, in-plane rotation, variations in target illumination and Other challenges of online tracking are the time complexity of the algorithm, increasing memory space, and tracker dependence on the target model. In this paper, for the first time, sketch matrix theory in ridge regression for video sequences has been proposed.
Methods: A new tracking object method based on the element-wise matrix with an online training method is proposed including the kernel correlation Filter (KCF), circular, and sketch matrix. The proposed algorithm is not only the free model but also increases the robustness of the tracker related to the scale variation, occlusion, fast motion, and reduces KCF drift.
Results: The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed sketch kernel correlation filter (SHKCF) can increase the computational speed of the algorithm and reduces both the time complexity and the memory space. Finally, the proposed tracker is implemented and experimentally evaluated based on video sequences of OTB50, OTB100 and VOT2016 benchmarks.
Conclusion: The experimental results show that the SHKCF method obtains not only OPE partial evaluation of Out of view, Occlusion and Motion Blur in object accuracy but also achieved the partial evaluation of Illumination Variation, Out of Plane Rotation, Scale Variation, Out of View, Occlusion, In of Plane Rotation, Background Clutter, Fast Motion and Deformation in object overlap which are the first rank compared to the state-the-art works. The result of accuracy, robustness and time complexity are obtained 0.929, 0.93 and 35.4, respectively.


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Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

[9] M. Y. Abbass, K. C. Kwon, N. Kim, S. A Abdelwahab, F. E. A. El-Samie, A. A. Khalaf, “A survey on online learning for visual tracking,” Visual Comput., 37: 993–1014, 2021.


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