Document Type : Original Research Paper


Geomatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.


Background and Objectives: Considering the drought and global warming, it is very important to monitor changes in water bodies for surface water management and preserve water resources in the natural ecosystem. For this purpose, using the appropriate spectral indices has high capabilities to distinguish surface water bodies from other land covers. This research has a special consideration to the effect of different types of land covers around water bodies. For this reason, two different water bodies, lake and wetland, have been used to evaluate the implementation results.
Methods: The main objective of this research is to evaluate the capabilities of the genetic algorithm in optimum selection of the spectral indices extracted from Sentinel-2 satellite image due to distinguish surface water bodies in two case studies: 1) the pure water behind the Karkheh dam and 2) the Shadegan wetland having water mixed with vegetation. In this regard, the set of optimal indices is obtained with the genetic algorithm followed by the support vector machine (SVM) classifier.
Results: The evaluation of the classification results based on the optimum selected spectral indices showed that the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the recognized surface water bodies are 98.18 and 0.9827 in the Karkheh dam and 98.04 and 0.93 in Shadegan wetland, respectively. Evaluation of each of the spectral indices measured in both study areas was carried out using quantitative decision tree (DT) classifier. The best obtained DT classification results show the improvements in overall accuracy by 1.42% in the Karkheh Dam area and 1.56% in the Shadegan Wetland area based on the optimum selected indices by genetic algorithm followed by SVM classifier. Moreover, the obtained classification results are superior compared with Random Forest classifier using the optimized set of spectral features.
Conclusion: Applying the genetic algorithm on the spectral indices was able to obtain two optimal sets of effective indices that have the highest amount of accuracy in classifying water bodies from other land cover objects in the study areas. Considering the collective performance, genetic algorithm selects an optimal set of indices that can detect water bodies more accurately than any single index.


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Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

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