Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Railway Engineering and Transportation Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Engineering, Durham University, Durham, U.K.


Background and Objectives: Modeling and simulation of electric railway networks is an important issue due to their non-linear and variant nature. This problem becomes more serious with the enormous growth in public transportation tracks and the number of moving trains. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to present a simple and applicable simulation method for DC electric railway systems.
Methods: A train movement simulator in a DC electric railway line is developed using Matlab software. A case study based on the practical parameters of Isfahan Metro Line 1 is performed. The simulator includes the train mechanical movement model and power supply system model. Regenerative braking and driving control modes with coasting control are applied in the simulation.
Results: The simulation results of the power network are presented for a single train traveling in both up and down directions. Results manifest the correctness and simplicity of the suggested method which facilitates the investigation of the DC electric railway networks.
Conclusion: According to the results, the train current is consistent with the electric power demand of the train. But the pantograph voltage has an opposite relationship with its electric power demand. In braking times, the excess power of the train is injected into the electrical network, and thus, overvoltage and undervoltage occur in the overhead contact line and the substation busbar. Therefore, at the maximum braking power of the train, the pantograph voltage reaches its maximum. The highest amount of fluctuation is related to the substation that is closest to the train. As the train moves away from the traction substations, the voltage fluctuations decrease and vice versa.


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