Document Type : Review paper


1 Department of Computer Engineering, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran .

2 Department of Computer Engineering, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran.


Background and Objectives: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are ad-hoc technologies that have various applications in different industries such as in healthcare systems, environment and military surveillance, manufacturing, and IoT context in general. Expanding the scope of sensor network applications has led researchers to develop solutions to provide sustainable communications and networks for distributed environments, as well as how to secure these methods with limited resources.
Methods: The lack of infrastructure space and the vulnerable nature of these networks make it difficult to design security models and algorithms for them. So, to run the sensor network in safe mode, any type of attack must be detected before any security breach is materialized. According to the importance of the network and also the nature of the sensor networks along with the critical challenge of energy consumption, solutions and defensive lines such as intrusion prevention and intrusion detection systems will be selected.
Results: This paper surveys subjectively the intrusion and anomaly detection system in WSNs to determine potentials and challenges for further processing. Therefore, designing an efficient and optimal intrusion detection solution applicable to wireless sensor networks, IoT, and other ad-hoc networks has been a major challenge that will help the researcher to design or choose the best approach for their future research.
Conclusion: This research also pave the way of interested researchers to find existing challenges and shortcomings for further processing.


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Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


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