Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of electrical Engineering, Damavand Branch,Islamic Azad University, Damavand, Iran


In this paper, an ultra-low-noise amplifier with frequency band switching capability is designed, simulated and fabricated. The two frequency ranges of this amplifier consist of the 2.4 to 2.5 GHz and 3.1 GHz to 3.15 GHz frequency bands. The designed amplifier has a noise figure of less than 1dB, a minimum gain of 23 dB and a VSWR of less than 2 in the whole frequency band. The design process starts with increasing the stability factor in the source through manipulating the inductor placement technique. Then the input and output matching circuits for the first frequency band are designed. This process is completed by utilizing two similar stages placed successively in order to achieve the desired gain level. Since no degradation of the noise figure is observed and acceptable values are also obtained for other parameters, switching the elements in the output matching circuit can be a good idea for avoiding the use of a similar circuit for the second frequency band. The optimum secondary values for the mentioned elements are obtained through the analyses performed using the ADS software. For changing the values of the mentioned elements two MOSFETs are used for adding capacitance and inductance to the matching circuit. In the next step, the designed amplifier is finalized and optimized after adding a suitable bias circuit to it. Moreover, The designed amplifier is fabricated and a good agreement between the measurement, analysis, and simulation results is observed.

Graphical Abstract

Design of an S-band Ultra-low-noise Amplifier with Frequency Band Switching Capability


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